Prostitutes Spam Nairobi Senator With Nudes!!

A group of close to a dozen prostitutes recently got Senator Mike Sonko’s phone number. They have since been sending him raunchy WhatsApp picture messages, and promising to offer their ‘goodies’ in exchange for cash or employment.

“At first I was shocked when I received the nude photos. I wanted to seek legal action, but later realised they were underprivileged Kenyans desperate to make ends meet. I offered to help them, and so invited them to my office and offered to buy them business equipment that would keep them off the streets,” reveals the Senator.

However, despite the humane gesture by the Nairobi Senator, there are rumours that some of the women have since sold their equipment and quietly sneaked back to the red light district.

“I will still find a more sober way to rehabilitate them. They need love not condemnation,” says the married father of three.

I would not re-elect Shebesh.

The controversial senator told The Nairobian during the interview that there was nothing going on between him and politician Esther Passaris.

“I love her. She is like a sister to me,” were the exact words from Nairobi’s Senator Mike Sonko when asked about his alleged fling with the former Nairobi women representative candidate. (Political Friendzoning if you ask me ツ)

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