Nollywood Actress, Patience Ozokwor, recently revealed that she still lives in the village despite her fame. She revealed this to The Sun during a recent chat. Read excerpts: "I still live in my village. It is nice to live in the countryside where everyone is everybody's business.If you see the way people appreciate me in my village, whenever I go to the market to shop everyone will be calling me 'Mama G', 'Gee' for general, in fact, you will appreciate me more. But my office is located in Enugu town. So, I enjoy living in the village, my hometown. I still live my life of simplicity regardless of fame.God has always been on my side because without Him there is nothing we can do. Again, maybe if I were living in the city, things would be happening to me and nobody will know what I was passing through. And my people in the village know that I am always on location working either in the eastern part of the country or Lagos and Abuja. But when I am not working yo...